Monday, May 01, 2006

What's in the mind of these people these days? They can harm a person life just to get what they wanted... Its so scary. I went to checked my email just now and read a forward email from joyce. There's a babyboy used for drug trafficking in Texas. A couple form Texas had planned a weekend trip to Mexico Border. At the last minute their baby sitter canceled thus they had to bring their babyboy with them. The boy went missing when he started to run about. After 45 minutes later, a police officer called asking them to wait at the gate. She was glad when she saw her baby in a man's arm. She was horrified when she realised her baby was dead. The police caught that man when he started to run away. The inside of the baby was taken out and replaced with COCAINE... The man planned to carry him and get across to Mexico.
Damn him lor... Harm an innocent to get what he desire.
Then previously, a woman stepped a cat to death with her high heels... And was caught in the camera i think. Walao, don't know for what reason she want to do this lor.. Shit her... So cruel leh... Hai. so sad leh...

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